Elaboration of environmental protection and management related documentation
Nowadays an integral part of sustainable and competitive development of companies and state institutions is the inclusion of environmental considerations within all production, service provision and management processes.
VentEko delivers tailor made environmental protection services to the state, municipalities as well as legal and private persons in accordance with the requirements of legislation in force.
Our services include:
- Environmental protection strategy, policy and management plans as well as programme project elaboration;
- Environmental protection and management project elaboration and implementation;
- Environmental auditing;
- Consultations on environmental protection related issues;
- Evaluation of environmental risks;
- Integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC) system for enterprises – elaboration of documentation for development and implementation;
- Development of proposals for HAZOP system implementation;
- Hazardous and industrial waste accounting system elaboration and maintenance;
- Emission sources compliancy evaluation and emission accounting;
- Chemical substance accounting system development and surveillance.